Extra Curricular Activities

There are a lot of different extracurricular events at Mary Immaculate School (Parañaque), Inc. that give students a chance to learn, grow, and do well outside of school. In order to help students grow in all areas, the school encourages them to work together, develop their abilities, and become better leaders.

There are a lot of different kinds of extracurricular activities at Mary Immaculate School, for people with a wide range of hobbies and passions. These include sports, arts, academic clubs, and community service projects. Here are a few examples of the fun and educational things that are available:

Sports Excellence: The school has brand-new sports equipment and a dedicated staff of coaches who help students learn how to play basketball, volleyball, football, swim, and other sports. Students learn the ideals of discipline, resilience, and sportsmanship through hard training and competitions with other schools.

Creative Arts: Students’ artistic skills are praised in a wide range of activities, such as music, dance, theatre, painting, and drawing. Students have many chances to express themselves artistically and show off their skills, such as by joining the school choir, taking part in dance showcases, or improving their visual arts skills.

Academic Clubs: Mary Immaculate School has many academic clubs for students who love learning. These clubs cover a wide range of topics, such as science, math, debate, and language arts. These clubs give students a place to have interesting conversations, learn more about things that interest them, and compete in academic events both in their own country and around the world.

Leadership Development: Programmes like student government teach students how to be leaders by teaching them democracy, teamwork, and how to talk to each other clearly. As a way to prepare for future leadership roles in society, they take on duties, plan events, and speak for their peers.

Community Service: Mary Immaculate School encourages students to take part in outreach programmes and volunteer projects to teach them the importance of giving back to the community. Through partnerships with local groups, students take part in activities that deal with social problems, teach empathy, and build a sense of civic duty.

Overall, Mary Immaculate School (Parañaque), Inc.’s extracurricular activities are meant to go along with the school’s core subjects and give students a well-rounded education that prepares them not only for academic success but also for personal growth, leadership, and being an active citizen in a world that is diverse and connected.